What were Winston's crimes? The simple human need of writing a diary! This is not aloud, it is an expression his own ideas and emotions, something the Brotherhood cannot control, and if they can't control something, it is not aloud. Another of Winston's crimes was loving another human, Julia. Love is absolutely uncontrollable, love could lead to emotions and passions that could turn into revolt and the Party will stop at nothing to abolish it. Food, beverages, and literature are potential reminders of the past and are also a threat. However, the most asinine aspect of this dystopian society is that there are no laws against these acts. they will kill, such as they did to Julia, or even worse, torture, such as they did to Winston, one for braking one of these nonexistent laws. It is crazy. The Party kicked "his (Winston) ribs in his belly, on his elbows, on his shins, in his groin, in his testicles, on the bone at the base of his spine." They make people so frail, nauseatingly weak, and pathetically hopeless that they have no choice, either die, or agree with them. Most vile of all, they exploited person's phobias, this completely flips their mind into agreeing with every aspect of the government. They manipulate and control peoples minds and make them follow these confusing and inconceivable mottos :
"War is Peace,This propaganda just goes to show that the Party is selfish and wants to brainwash their citizens into believing these thoughtless thoughts. They want their soldiers to fight fight endless wars, The Party destroyed the past just as they destroyed Winston.
Freedom is Slavery,
Ignorance is Strength"
He was once a quiet man that loved to work in peace, though he was rightly paranoid that everyone was a potential spy or working for Big Brother. As the story continued, he grew into a confident man, he loved a women, and broke laws because he wanted to live and be nothing more than a human being. He feared becoming a brainwashed robot like so many others who believed the ridiculous sayings and mottos enforced by the disturbing government. He went so far as begin a revolt with the "revolution". He was becoming courageous, but sadly, the Party broke him and forced him into being a thoughtless vegetable who believed in the Brotherhood. The novel's final sentence: "I love Big Brother" is powerful and sad. Winston is gone.
I was intregued by your balance of your own voice, and an objective tone. This is alternation is evident throughout your whole essay and is balanced perfectly. Finally I would like to adopt this style in my writing because I usually keep an objective tone which is generally uninteresting.