The Grapes of Wrath
Nobody is used to the tough times and they are desperate, even the dog killed himself because he knows that these times are tough and unbearable.
"He raised his head, and looked across, and then started over"... " Didn't know how we was gonna feed him anyway"
Everybody is trying to make the best out of the situation they are in right now. They have found a government camp that has every thing they need to live comfortably, hot water, running water, clean bathrooms, some work, no cops, and best of all, a good group of good human beings.
" she felt the hot water dripping from her chin, soaking through her dress."
Life is going back to what it was before, running and living a horrible life, Tom killed someone, Casy died, and they have no money.
" 'You sleep' she said. 'You sleep off. I'll watch the door. Nobody won' get in.' "
Tom: the man that means good but just keeps going wrong, kind of like the unfortunate protagonist.
Ma: She works for everybody but is not repaid, she just keeps losing her family to death. The unfortunate
Grapes of Wrath is a very interesting story of looking for a good decent life for their family through a tough past.